You can speak directly to your audience: deliver information, products and services that solve problems or address what your customers need and want.
What is content marketing?
It’s marketing focused on creation and distribution of content to a defined audience.
Your content should attract and retain customer attention and lead the customer to action.
What’s the difference between paid advertising and content marketing?
Content marketing material is distributed to a defined audience: your customers, your contacts.
You can expect a higher action or response rate with content marketing. That’s because your message is crafted for your audience: individuals who have previously purchased your product, expressed interest in your product, or expressed interest in referring or supporting your product.
Isn’t content marketing for online sales?
Content marketing is a promotional approach that works for all types of business and organizations, not just those selling products online.
Less than 10 percent of retail sales take place online—with the biggest impact on “big box” brands, not specialty retailers, according to the, “The Economics (and Nostalgia) of Dead Malls,” January 2015.
Why should I set objectives for my content marketing?
Identifying your objectives will improve the return on your investment.
Those with a documented strategy report they are more effective–in all aspects of content marketing–than those with no documented strategy, according to the 2015 report, B2C Content Marketing Trends–North America by the Content Marketing Institute / MarketingProfs.
What should I expect from Geneva’s content marketing services?
I help clients align their product pitch and objectives, with a plan for content development and distribution, plus data collection and review.
Common content marketing goals are
- customer retention
- event attendance
- engagement
How do I request Geneva’s content marketing services?
Call or email to get our conversation started. And, have fun strategizing!